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For those who are not familiar with Reiki

Updated: Oct 9, 2018

You lay on a padded treatment table, fully clothed, soft music plays in the background

Prior to the treatment I will feel your energy field by placing my hands over your body as I performs a scan known as a Byosen Scan. This will often enable me to tell where there are areas in your energy field that may need healing before I begin the Reiki session. A subtle difference is felt in her hands at those areas. This procedure makes the session much more beneficial.

I will then place my hands above or lightly touching specific areas called Chakras, the main energy centers in the body where the energy flows through and that govern our organs and physical bodies. This is never intrusive and you will begin to feel very relaxed as you allow the energy to flow to the areas where it is most needed by your body. It is at this stage that people usually begin to feel the stress lifting. It is a remarkable experience and for most the effects are immediate while others may not notice anything for a few days. Reiki always works for your highest good and as an intelligent energy goes to the places in your body that need it most. The more open you are the more intense your experience will be.

If you are having problems in specific areas I can concentrate more energy there. Reiki always goes where it is needed most whether it is mental, or physical.. Many clients report that they felt calm, relaxed, and sometimes even tingly/warm/cold during their session. They always look forward to their next session. It is not uncommon for a client to present with pain and leave with none or very little. Reiki is relaxing but you cannot assume that each session will be the same.

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